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The new version, called the Current Intelligence Bulletin, began production on 28 February , and this remained the format of the president's daily digest through Dwight Eisenhower's two terms, although it was retitled the Central Intelligence Bulletin in The new Kennedy Administration confronted a full array of international issues in In April, a group of CIA-trained Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs on the southern coast of Cuba with the goal of overthrowing the Fidel Castro regime and establishing an anti-Communist government.

The outnumbered invading force was quickly repelled by Castro's troops. The year's reports were dominated by the worsening Congo crisis, with the fragmentation of the country widening despite the efforts of the United Nations, and US concern over the high tempo of Soviet testing of space vehicles and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The changes at the CIA following the Bay of Pigs included a format update for the president's daily intelligence report. The Central Intelligence Bulletin continued to be produced as a separate publication until 10 Jan , when it was replaced by the National Intelligence Daily. The PICL, however, was the president's primary written intelligence source through the remainder of the Kennedy Administration.

This historical release includes: the Central Intelligence Bulletin reports from 2 January June pages. Aerial intelligence collection platforms have played a critical role in US national security from the earliest beginnings of aviation. Despite their success, however, use of these platforms carried significant risks and repercussions, including detection and even pilot loss, such as the downing of the U-2 flown by Francis Gary Powers in Ever-evolving research by the CIA led to the development concept of unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs as collection platforms.

Scientific men write and teach of its fascinating manifestations, and even the general public has heard much of the new science and believes more or less in it, according to the degree of intelligence and knowledge concerning the subject possessed by the individual.

The records include documentation of remote viewing sessions, training, internal memoranda nosis, telepathy. The primary objectives of www. The records Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a perceiver a "viewer" to describe or give details about a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance, time, or shielding.

This is a declassified CIA document dealing with mind control. Available Formats. This project studied hypnosis, forced morphine addiction, and the use of other chemicals to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in subjects. Remote viewing. Electromagnetic signals from cell phones can change your brainwaves and behavior. Causing acceleration of the pulse and heart rate, as well as involuntary urination and defecation. At the same time, there have been some useful explorations into the physical characteristics of the phenomena of ESp[8,9,lO,ll].

Telepathy usually happens over distance and without the use of other senses like hearing or touch. The Wicked Transgender Agenda. Read Paper. Telepathy is not limited to humans.

Gang stalking is a method of secret services to eliminate people and is often done with Remote Viewers is a tale of the Pentagon's attempts to develop the perfect tool for espionage: psychic spies. A code is given, and any weight change results in an alarm. Expanding Consciousness means: o increasing energy to the body, mind, heart and spirit. The documents available here are part of a CIA briefing from , and they detail how the U. Stanley Krippner, pioneering research in dream telepathy several years on experiments on the occurrence of telepathy in dreams.

The document states that the CIA task force "now has relationships with reporters from every major […]Cia uses telepathy Cia uses telepathyThe CIA became so concerned about this effort, that in the early seventies, they commissioned Ingo Swann, a famous clairvoyant and high level Scientologist to develop an RV programme for the US military at Fort Meade Maryland Details of this programme were revealed by US newspapers when the CIA went public on their remoteThe CIA signed a court ordered mediated settlement.

Central Intelligence Agency and a member of the fateful Warren Commission. The records include documentation of remote viewing sessions, training, internal memoranda, foreign assessments, and program reviews.

Of Parapsychology By John L. A thought-form is in Hauntings, an artificial form that acts like a Ghost. Just as new mathematical models and theories of physics had been brought to bear on development of the atomic bomb, so too new tools were brought to bear on the human mind. T he energy channels of your body are normally very sensitive t o energetic stimuli. Jeff Kripal, Catherine Yunt. The CIA has published online nearly 13 million pages of declassified records, including papers on the US role in overthrowing foreign governments and the secret 'Star Gate' telepathy project.

Jim Tucker, Dr. It is, in and of itself, one gigantic hologram of unbelievable complexity. Ra landed on Earth about 11, years ago as a sort of extraterrestrialScanning, and Telepathy.

Penetration by Ingo Swann. This technique assumes that you are a complete beginner with almost no skills in this area. Telepathy is an energetic transfer of ideas, creations, or light intelligence from one being to another. Choose the perfect solution for you to manage your PDF files. One is considered the "sender" or "transmitter', and the other is the "receiver".

Download now. On the Greada Treaty, the Eisenhower administration bypasses the US Constitution and form a pact with alien races. What it is: The Range-R looks like a high-tech stud-finder, but it pinpoints people. In December , the NSC held its first meeting.

Albert K. This week, the Central Intelligence Agency posted its CIA Records Search Tool database online, making roughly , declassified documentsover 12 million pages in allwidely accessible for Is telepathy real? It's hard to argue against it; in fact, I would say that it's not really up for debate. Here are five crazy but true stories about the government's research into psychic phenomena.

Julie Beischel, Dr. His book on psychic research, "The Search for Superman," was published last year. A "profane" or materialistic view of telepathy became commonplace after World War II. I hate these synthethic telepathy experiments by DARPA, also involving brain mapping, to spy on my psyche at any moment. The deep state has known about this stuff for a long time. The Gateway program is Robert Monroe's system for helping people develop the ability to have out-of-body experiences.

After a while you will be able to 'control' the difference between your 'body' sleep and 'mental' sleep. In fact, Ra knows more of it than I do. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are silent kill, synthetic telepathy and psychotronics.


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