Google drive download all shared files
Asked 7 years ago. Active 3 years, 7 months ago. Viewed k times. Improve this question. This feature is now available. See imgur. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Yes it is. Edit 9th Aug, As pointed out by qweruiop thanks!
Improve this answer. Gabriel Gabriel 5 5 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. At least the people looking for this information will know it is not possible.
In the mean time I also enquired with Google support. But they didn't seem to have any interest to fix this. No changes?! Added the new info and your image to the answer. If you're the person receiving the shared folder, you're stuck.
Google says no. Since the question is from the point of view of the person creating the shared folder, there are two workarounds I'm aware of: Similar to Victor's suggestion: create folders as normal, and also, into your master folder, upload a massive ZIP file containing all the files , so that everyone can browse the files in Drive but non-Google "heretics" can also still download conveniently despite Google's efforts. If bandwidth or file capacity isn't an issue, and if people will be happy with the choice between one-at-a-time downloads or everything-at-once downloads and nothing in between, this might be an acceptable compromise.
Forget Google Drive and set up a free OneDrive account intsead. This is how I'm solving the problem - it has exactly the feature I wish Google Drive had. Here's a screenshot from a shared folder viewed by someone with no account not logged in who simply followed a link: Clicking that "Download" button with nothing selected simply downloads everything, as one zip file. Google give 15GB free across an account's Drive, Gmail, etc, then charge for more.
How do I mass download from Google Drive? How do I download a folder from a Google Drive link? How do I download files from Google Drive? How do I download a folder from Google Drive without zipping? Matthew Burleigh. Currently, it looks like the beta version of rclone supports accessing items from the "Shared with Me" section of the drive.
I don't think the existing answer here which suggests downloading through the web interface would work because, as mentioned in the question, certain files could hit the max size limit and then fail to download.
I would do the following: Move all your folders on the google drive location so they are all in one folder like so:. Notice in the second image how only the folder 'google drive' is in the drive folder. This way, you will be able to download the entire Google drive as a single zip folder.
Now, you say you wanted to download the shared documents. Using this procedure you can move shared documents into the new 'google drive' folder you just made.
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