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Forecast window. Beacon window. Xcvr Ctrl. DX Info. Rotator Ctrl. QSL Info. DX Spots. Digital Modes. Article Index. DXLab on Windows 7, 8, or Can also be used to automatically announce club events or ARRL bulletins. Makes a great emergency simplex repeater. This is due to the wide range of modes that it supports and the fact that it's available for multiple Operating Systems.
Multiple instances of HRD can be ran at the same time. Click here for setup information. This new mode is becoming quite popular due to its excellent performance on HF. Auto Tuning. Many customers say that this is the best CW program ever. Similar to WSJT. Support for this program has been discontinued, but the developers have posted a new link for downloading here.
See our FAQ for more details on this. Programming Software. Amateur Radio Software. Bob is also the author of Zakanaka, and an older bit version of Logger. I have a program for most ICOM radios that interfaces with the ILG radio frequencies database available for free from the internet and lets you click a station in the database to tune your radio to the station, or scan the list looking for stations that are on the air.
The NWS appreciates your assistance. The Ham Radio Control Library—Hamlib, for short—is a project to provide programs with a consistent Application Programming Interface API for controlling the myriad of radios and rotators available to amateur radio and communications users.
I'm sure the cost of your program is offset by the hoursTealPoint Software for Ham Radio -- morse code and ham radio frequencies. Six meter DX information. KW Antenne. From stationary multi-feature communications equipment to portable devices, YAESU has consistently represented the best in communications equipment to the world's top DX'ers for over half a century.
On top of being educational, the software will enable you to analyze and design most of the common types of antennas that amateur radio operators use. Download Database. This terrific amateur radio software is very much under development at the time of writing. Please comment below or email us: [email protected] Logger32 runs under all Windows versions.
MixW is a multi mode multi functional software for every day logging and Contests. Because JRX is written in Java, it will run on virtually any platform. It includes support for the built in Spectrum Scopes of the Icom radios as […] Toll Free Frequencies for freedom! Download and program your walkie talkies with this free programming file. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats.
Radio Homebrew - yang ingin berbagi ilmu dan sharing tentang dunia amateur radio disini tempatnya. Tuner R for professional radios. Sweepstakes; My Account; Cart 0; Products. For beginners and everyone interested in Amateur Radio. You've passed the ham radio exam, received your license and call sign, and now you're ready to embark on new adventures in a brand new world.
A low power reliable mode of communication perfect for mobile and portable operation. Where do we stand today? Add to that the fun and pride of building the transceiver and you've got an irresistible package! A computer, a sound card and a free download and you're in!