Download .sas file
Source code from which the Code object code is derived "Source Code" is not being provided and is a SAS trade secret to which access is not authorized. Customer may not reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or decompile the Code or otherwise attempt to recreate the Source Code, except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction. Upon termination of the license to use the Software, Customer agrees to delete and destroy the Code and certify to SAS that the Code has been deleted and destroyed.
Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. All forum topics Previous Next. Go to Solution. Posted PM views. I have seen reference to using a zip file to download but not enough detail was included.
Any suggestions or other ideas? Thank you. Accepted Solutions. Re: how to download a directory of sas files to pc using sas studio sas on demand. Posted PM views In reply to Tom. This example shows how to use a wildcard to transfer all files whose filenames have the extension. All three forms of this option are equivalent. Before using this option, you must define the libref that is used for server-SAS-library.
For example, the following statement downloads all of the data sets and catalogs that are in the library A on the server to the library RMTLIB on the client:. For details about filerefs for your operating environment, see the appropriate operating environment companion documentation. Before using this option, you must define the libref that is used for client-SAS-library.
If you want some views to be transferred as view files and other views to be transferred as data sets, you would have to perform two separate transfers. The data set has the same member name on the client. There have been hundreds of papers and books written about ODS. Consequently, you can programmatically access each element of the output. The implications of the previous statement are monumental.
The data are the vehicles in the Sashelp. Cars data set, which is distributed with SAS:. By looking at the output, you can see that the third table contains the R-square value. Notice that the data set often looks different from the original displayed table. The data set contains non-printing columns like Model and Dependent that do not appear in the displayed table. All Downloads. It is not necessary to download the application to the same location you intend to eventually install your SAS software order.
Click on the Request Download link to download the self-extracting file. SAS Institute Inc.