Data warehousing and data mining textbook free download
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Free Trial. Home Products. This book is intended for Computer Science students, application developers, business professionals, and researchers who seek information on data mining. Upper-level undergrads and graduate students in data mining at computer science programs.
The text is supported by a strong outline. The authors preserve much of the introductory material, but add the latest techniques and developments in data mining, thus making this a comprehensive resource for both beginners and practitioners.
The focus is data—all aspects. The presentation is broad, encyclopedic, and comprehensive, with ample references for interested readers to pursue in-depth research on any technique.
Summing Up: Highly recommended. Some chapters cover basic methods, and others focus on advanced techniques. The structure, along with the didactic presentation, makes the book suitable for both beginners and specialized readers.
The Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques shows us how to find useful knowledge in all that data. Thise 3rd editionThird Edition significantly expands the core chapters on data preprocessing, frequent pattern mining, classification, and clustering.
The bookIt also comprehensively covers OLAP and outlier detection, and examines mining networks, complex data types, and important application areas. The book, with its companion website, would make a great textbook for analytics, data mining, and knowledge discovery courses. Overall, it is an excellent book on classic and modern data mining methods alike, and it is ideal not only for teaching, but as a reference book.
It adds cited material from about , a new section on visualization, and pattern mining with the more recent cluster methods.
Though it serves as a data mining text, readers with little experience in the area will find it readable and enlightening. Also, researchers and analysts from other disciplines--for example, epidemiologists, financial analysts, and psychometric researchers--may find the material very useful.
Students should have some background in statistics, database systems, and machine learning and some experience programming. Among the topics are getting to know the data, data warehousing and online analytical processing, data cube technology, cluster analysis, detecting outliers, and trends and research frontiers.
Chapter-end exercises are included. Visit the companion webpage for this title to download student application exercise files and additional resources.
With the goal of improving the text, this edition marks a major reorganization of the text to reflect the focus on business analytics. This edition is now organized around three major types of business analytics i. The new edition has many timely additions, and the dated content has been deleted. The following major specific changes have been made:. Chapter 1 introduces BI and analytics with an application focus in many industries. This Chapter also includes an overview of the analytics ecosystem to help the user explore all the different ways one can participate and grow in the analytics environment.
Chapter 3 covers data warehousing and data foundations including updated content, specifically data lakes. Chapter 4 covers predictive analytics. Chapter 5 extends the application of analytics to text, Web, and social media. Chapter 6 covers Prescriptive Analytics, specifically linear programming and simulation. It is totally new content for this book. Chapter 7 introduces Big Data tools and platforms.
The discussion of analytics ecosystem recognizes prescriptive analytics as well. Chapter 2: "Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualization" This chapter aims to set the stage with a thorough understanding of the nature of data, which is the main ingredient for any analytics study.
Next, statistical modeling is introduced as part of the descriptive analytics. Chapter 6: "Prescriptive Analytics: Optimization and Simulation". This chapter introduces prescriptive analytics material to this book. The chapter focuses on optimization modeling in Excel using the linear programming technique. It also introduces the concept of simulation. The chapter is an updated version of material from two chapters in our DSS book, 10th edition.
This chapter examines several new phenomena that are already changing or are likely to change analytics. It includes coverage of geospatial in analytics, Internet of Things, and a significant update of the material on cloud-based analytics. Revised Chapters - The remaining chapters have been revised and updated:. This chapter has been rewritten and significantly expanded. It opens with a new vignette covering multiple applications of analytics in sports.
As noted earlier, this classification is used in guiding the complete reorganization of the book itself earlier content but with a new figure. Then it includes several new examples of analytics in healthcare and in retail industry. This is an old chapter with some new subsections e. Before you get too crazy, though, you need to be aware of the quality of the data you find. Store data in an EBS volume and create snapshots once a week. Fully solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand.
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