10 minutes to massive arms pdf free download
While moving to more frequent workouts can help you build extra size on your arms, to really get them up there in size will require pulling out all the stops. So intensity techniques, like drop sets, forced reps, rest pause, negative reps and supersets will be key in forcing them to grow. These techniques will not only put more stress on the muscle, but they are also known to boost growth hormone levels.
In fact, one study from Finland reported that subjects doing forced reps increased GH levels 3 times higher than when they just stopped after reaching muscle failure. Drop sets, Forced reps, Rest pause, Negative reps and Supersets will be key to help you build extra size on your Arms. That extra growth hormone will be put to good use initiating muscle recovery and growth that will get that tape measure stretching.
Another key element to this program is the constant switching up of weight and rep ranges every workout to keep your arms growing. This is known as periodization, and research confirms that using periodization, which is the continual cycling of weight and rep ranges, produces the greatest gains in muscle size and strength. One form of periodization that appears to be superior to other forms is called undulating periodizaion, which is simply the constant switching up of weight and rep ranges every workout.
Research studies from both Brazil and the University of Connecticut have supported this form of training for making continued gains.
Since you'll be training arms pretty much every other day during weeks three, four and five, you may be worried about your arms still being sore when you train them. Don't be. Research from Japan shows that when subjects workout intensely to cause muscle pain and train that muscle again just two days later and again four days later when the muscle is still sore, it does not impede recovery.
Plus this can actually help them grow. One study found that when subjects trained the same muscle group just two days, the catabolic hormone cortisol was lower. Since cortisol competes with testosterone, having lower cortisol levels during and after workouts can make you more anabolic and allow your testosterone to better enhance muscle growth.
To properly hit your arms during these 6 weeks, you'll need to alternate your training split. Each week you will follow a 4-day training split. However, based on the week and number of times you are training arms, you will be training on four different days of the week and pairing up different muscle groups each week.
Jim Stoppani holds a doctorate in exercise physiology from the University of Connecticut and has been the personal nutrition and health consultant to numerous celebrity clients, including Contact Us. Free Martial Arts: Behind the Myths! Not Just Cheesecake! This book has great pictures, but needs more content By A Customer This book has great pictures, and the pages of it are seen all over the web.
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That is, of course, if having bigger arms is a priority for you. And it is, right? Note: This article contains affiliate links to products I believe in. They come at no additional cost to you. There are 5 main principles that thou must understand if thou seeketh to obtain big, powerful looking arms. Ignore them, and thy arms shall remain small and weak. The program is built on these principles. There is no way around principle number one.
If you ignore your foundation, your arms will never get big. I want you to look like a beast. Big movements like Rows, Deadlifts, Chin ups, Bench and Overhead Presses will still be the staple of a big arms program. These movements alone can build your arms significantly. This is because the big compound movements allow you to move heavier weight and use more total muscle mass, which will always result in a much bigger physiological response from your body.
This means: more testosterone, more growth hormone, and greater protein synthesis. In short, these movements lead to bigger gains in lean muscle mass. Bigger arms belong on a bigger, stronger body. Build the whole body, and your arms will naturally follow along. Getting a massive pump is crucial for muscle growth. Cellular swelling sends a strong signal to the body that can lead to hypertrophy.
The best way to get a pump is by creating metabolic stress in the muscle. Think about how it feels to do multiple sets of 20 rep bicep curls on 30 seconds of rest. It burns, it hurts, your heart rate goes up. Lactate and other metabolic byproducts accumulate in the muscle. Blood and plasma flow into the muscle.
That is metabolic stress, and it is one of the strongest stimulators of hypertrophy. Numerous studies have shown that Occlusion training with blood flow restriction bands BFR Bands leads to bigger and faster gains in muscle mass. Studies also show that using BFR bands leads to growth of nearby muscles as well.
So, using them for your arms can also carry over to additional growth in the chest and shoulders as well. There is no reason unless you have a medical condition , that someone looking to get bigger arms would not be using BFR bands. Just get them, and thank me later. Remember, you do not build muscle while you work out. You build muscle and get bigger arms while you rest. Prioritize rest and recovery the same way your prioritize your workouts.
Get adequate protein and calories on rest days, and try to get solid sleep. The faster and more completely you recover from your workouts, the bigger your gains will be. That is a scientifically researched and proven fact. If you want to get bigger arms, you have to eat more. Your body simply will not build muscle without a surplus of calories and adequate protein.
For protein, shoot for around 0. You wanted to know how to get bigger arms, and here you have landed. This is split up into 4 training days per week. Remember Principle number 4: Rest is your friend. For example, 1A and 1B would be a superset. Hit 3 reps of explosive depth push ups, then go straight to the bench.