Metal gear solid 2 pc download full game
The weapons technology introduced in the game is really amazing. You would love the weaponry store. Because there are a lot of other weapons that you might want to look at them. You will never get bored after every action and a mission you will be briefed about it. Your weakness will be told which reminds me of another game called Tomb Raider Survival. You can also download Sniper Elite 3 Free Download. The visual style is stunning, and the whole thing gleams with elegance of design, attention to detail and even a little humour.
Unfortunately, it does get bogged down in its own densely convoluted storyline, the core game famously containing almost as much narrative exposition as actual gameplay. MGS2 desperately wants to be an 'interactive movie', and while the previous game had similar aspirations but got the balance right, in this case the game definitely suffers.
While picking faults, there are one or two technical flaws to mention as well. While on the whole the graphics shine gloriously despite their console origins, we did have some worrying lighting problems with Radeon cards.
On the upside, the rumble effects from the PS2 version are in place, and it's definitely worthwhile hunting down a rumbling gamepad for the occasion. The slow-burning stealth action, while superbly crafted, is far too heavily interspersed with cut-scenes, and no amount of bonus missions, training puzzles or alternative outfits is going to remedy that.
As a stealth-action game Substance has undoubtedly been eclipsed by Splinter Cell. The Metal Gear Solid games are just plain cool. There's no other word for it. The tense atmosphere, the cinematic style, the undercover mystique. Plus of course they star the world's second favourite stealth operative, the royal badass Solid Snake. In fact you only got to play as the main man in one of the chapters, the rest of the time being forced to inhabit the girlish frame of one Raiden, a swordwielding, wet behind the years rookie not fit to polish Snake's blood-encrusted boots.
However, there is justice in the world, because the stealth masterpiece is coming to the PC very soon, and this grave error has been amended. Not only can you play the entire original game as Snake, Raiden or an assortment of other characters, but five new sidemissions or Snake Tales' have been added, along with a couple of hundred VR training missions including a new first-person mode. But there's more! You can also play dozens of new Alternative Missions', in which you must negotiate the original levels with all new tasks, such as defusing bombs and taking surveillance photos.
And as an added bonus you can get radically airborne in a secret Tony Hawk's-style skating mode. So, we may have had to wait a while for the world's finest stealth sequel to hit our PCs, but when it does, it will be an incredibly rich package - the definitive version if you will.
And that's gotta be worth waiting for. Here we go again. PS2 owners may have grumbled a bit when Xbox players got the deluxe MGS2 last Christmas, but now they can sleep well knowing they get not only the same game, but also less slowdown and an all-new mode: Snakeboarding! Get it? Skateboarding with Solid Snake! Anyway, this is the same Metal Gear Solid 2 you played a couple years ago.
It's still got the kick-ass stealth gameplay flight is better than fight and a story that all but unravels at the end. Seriously, the plot will leave you totally confused for the last hour or so of the game. Luckily, for those of you who don't need a story, the dozens of cool new VR missions--everything from learning how to sneak through enemy-infested areas to protecting a plate of curry with a sniper rifle--will keep you playing for weeks.
On top of that, you get a few extra miniscenarios dubbed Snake Tales. These are totally original, but probably too friggin' hard for any casual gamer. Your property was freely available and that is why it was published on our website.
The site is non-commercial and we are not able to check all user posts. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance screenshots:. Size: 2. Version: v 2. Related By Tags Games: Afterparty.
On our recent trip to Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, we were able to witness a playable version of the game for the first time anywhere in the world. Needless to say, it looks absolutely incredible. Like in past Metal Gear games, the main emphasis is on strategic infiltration, and not fast action. You are rewarded more for sneaking around and not being seen than you are for walking up to and blowing away your enemies. You begin with only a pack of cigarettes and some binoculars, but along the way you'll pickupa wide variety of items and weapons, including many old favorites like Remote Control Missiles, Plastic Explosives and more.
The game takes place from a top-down perspective, but you can switch to a first-person viewpoint at any time to survey the action up close. You can crawl on the ground, hide underwater and even use downed enemies as human shields--obviously, there's a lot of gameplay here. Still, the most amazing aspect of MGS is the attention to detail evident throughout the game. Outside in the snow, you'll actually see the cold breath coming from a guard's face as he breathes.
When firing automatic weapons, you'll see shells flying all about, and characters will stop and reload with each new round. If you hide behind a wall and just observe a guard for a while, you'll see him yawn or stretch his arms-he might even crack his neck.
The realism is just astonishing. Metal Gear Solid is already being hyped as 's Game of the Year, and while we'll reserve that honor until we play the final version, we won't deny that right now it's looking like one of the best games ever made. Unfortunately it's not due for release in Japan until the summer of , so a U. We'll be back with more on the game as development progresses.
Very few games that spend a long time in development live up to the hype heaped upon them. After three years in the making and several promising previews, Metal Gear Solid had a lot of expectations to fulfill, especially considering it's a sequel to one of the most beloved video games ever released--Metal Gear for the NES. Metal Gear Solid handily meets those expectations and, in most cases, even surpasses them. MGS joins the PlayStation elite, easily ranking as one of the best titles currently on the market.
Not convinced? What we have here is a masterpiece. Nothing else even comes close. Metal Gear Solid is an innovative combination of cinematic direction, action, and strategy. With an engrossing story line and one of the best uses of the Dual Shock controller to date, Solid completely envelops you in its suspenseful grip.
MGS continues the story of special forces' member, Solid Snake, who gets dragged out of retirement for one last mission: Stop a group of terrorists from launching a nuclear missile from their Alaskan-island stronghold.
Even unarmed, Snake is deadly: He can beat down guards, snap necks with his bare hands, and crawl inside small spaces like air ducts. Snake begins the mission equipped only with a pair of binoculars and a pack of cigarettes, but can collect weapons and other items, including scopes, explosives, and even cardboard boxes.
Cardboard boxes? That's right! Unlike most action games, Metal Gear Solid encourages stealth-n-sneak over run-n-gun. It's to your advantage to avoid fights by creeping past, or even hiding from, enemies. Emphasizing this "stealth is best" philosophy is an incredible enemy A. Your adversaries are smart: They defend themselves, investigate strange noises, follow your footsteps in the snow, and, once alerted to your presence, hunt you down until you elude or kill them..
Fortunately, multiple camera views help keep you one step ahead of the action. You can always see your enemies--either from the game's default overhead view, first-person perspective, or even from around a corner while pressing against an adjacent wall.
Integrated into MCS's play engine is a fascinating and well-crafted scenario where you interact with several characters--friends and foes alike. The dialogue and voices in these sequences are high points, the script is sharp and witty, and the complex plot remains exciting every step of the way plus, characters don't convulse spastically when they talk, as in other games. Stylish direction punctuates the dialogue in the cut scenes, underiining the words with dramatic framing, montage, and other striking cinematic techniques.
Dual Shock controls help bridge the gap between the gameplay and the cinemas, keeping you in solid command of Snake; the controller's vibrations also help draw you into the action.
Whether it's a quick shake that accompanies a guard spotting you or fast-paced thumping during an onscreen heart attack, the Dual Shock or equivalent keeps you on the edge of your seat. Besides its rock-solid regular game, MGS has several excellent options and extras, the best of which is the VR Trainer. Here, you can practice your skills and even unlock secret training modes. Another cool option is the Briefing mode, which covers every aspect of the mis: sion in great detail.
MGS's solid works do get slowed by a few wrenches. An inconsistent frame rate occasionally stalls the eye-catching graphics, which also have a tendency of slowing to a crawl when you pan or zoom in with the binoculars or the rifle scope. Equally annoying are the constant interruptions you suffer through in the early part of the game when your team chimes in with obvious advice that's already listed in the instruction manual.
Yet, even with its minor faults, Metal Gear Solid is this season's top offering that no self-respecting gamer should be without. Forget the fast-food action titles with rehashed formulas that never worked--Metal Gear Solid elevates video gaming to high entertainment.
Metal Gear Solid's visuals are stunning and detailed. The only flaws are some bulky polygons, a bit of breakup, and an inconsistent frame rate. The game's multiple menus are simple to access and even simpler to use. The only thing that keeps the controls from getting a perfect score is the lack of a custom controller configuration. Truly state-of-the-art, the music and sound effects rank among the best heard on the PlayStation.
The energetic voices are well cast and make every word of the excellently scripted dialogue count. Metal Gear Solid is the rarest of things: a video game with looks, brains, and heart. Its combination of excellent action and superb story line makes it one of the PlayStation's top titles.
It's made the CamePro cover, it's been the talk of the town in Japan, and it's certainly goinq to be Konami's premiere product this season. Returning to an intuitive and intelligent mode of gameplay, Konami's game developers have spent the last three years fine tuning Metal Gear by adding depth to the artificial in telligence and the level design.
This isn't just bad guy blasting and simple gun-dependent action. In fact, above all else, you must use stealth to sneak your way through most missions. That's not to say there isn't some weapon play involved. You'll have to find and use various armament, like Claymore mines, Makita rifles, and more.