Labview for everyone pdf download

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You may be interested in Powered by Rec2Me Most frequently terms labview data file palette function front panel array vis block diagram create functions controls menu labview for everyone input string loop button structure programming pop object select dialog node terminal tool wire activity error signal digital daqmx cluster reference event text subvi graph waveform daq advanced code instrument numeric output plot click options application mode structures display indicator property user measurement values option execution Related Booklists 0 comments Post a Review To post a review, please sign in or sign up You can write a book review and share your experiences.

In addition, you can often create one sub-VI to accomplish a function required by many different VIs. Notice how the subVI values change as the main program calls it over and over.

Do not save any changes. Selecting Close from the File menu of a VI diagram closes the block diagram window only. Selecting Close on a front panel window closes both the panel and the diagram. This example measures the frequency response of an unknown "black box. A digital multi-meter measures the output voltage of the black box. Although this VI uses subVIs to simulate a function generator and a digital multimeter, real instruments could easily be hooked up to a real black box to provide real-world data.

You would then use sub-VIs to control data acquisition, GPIB transfers, or serial port communication to bring in or send out real data instead of simulating it. With the Browse tab selected and the Browse according to: option set to Task , navigate the folder tree to "Industry Applications," and then "Instrument Input and Output.

Frequency Response. Run the VI by clicking on the run button. You can specify the amplitude of the input sine wave and the number of steps the VI uses to find the frequency response by changing the Amplitude control and the Number of Steps control, and then running the VI again. You can also specify the frequency sweep by inputting the upper and lower limits with the Low Frequency and High Frequency knobs. Play with these controls and observe the effect they have on the output of the "black box.

Open and examine the block diagram by choosing Show Diagram from the Window menu. Close the VI by selecting Close from the File menu. With the G language, you'll find writing powerful applications and debugging them to be a snap! Read on to learn how.

Previous page. Table of content. Next page. You can press it to abort program execution. The VI makes temperature measurements and displays them in the thermometer indicator and on the chart. Although the readings are simulated in this example, you can easily modify the program to measure real values.

The Update Period slide controls how fast the VI acquires the new temperature readings. LabVIEW also plots high and low temperature limits on the chart; you can change these limits using the Temperature Range knobs. If the current temperature reading is out of the set range, LEDs light up next to the thermometer. This VI continues to run until you click the Acquisition switch to off.

You can also turn the data analysis on and off. The Statistics section shows you a running calculation of the mean and standard deviation, and the Histogram plots the frequency with which each temperature value occurs. Tweaking Values 5. Operating Tool 6. Enter Button You can also operate slide controls using the Operating tool by clicking on a point on the slide to snap the slider to that location, by clicking on a scroll button to move the slider slowly toward the arrow, or by clicking in the slide's digital display and entering a number.

Try adjusting the other controls in a similar manner. Stop the VI by clicking on the Acquisition switch. Examine the Block Diagram The block diagram shown in Figure 1. Highlight Execution Button The front panel of the Temperature Status subVI Icon and Connector The icon and connector provide the graphical representation and parameter definitions needed if you want to use a VI as a sub-routine or function in the block diagrams of other VIs.

Activity Frequency Response Example This example measures the frequency response of an unknown "black box. You will open, run, and observe the VI in this activity. Authors: Jeffrey Travis , Jim Kring.

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