Free download heaven and earth by hillsong

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This category refers to song lyrics that exhort other believers or all of creation to do something. The writers of Hillsong music employ a variety of atonement theories and images, which necessitates a pars- ing of atonement. Between hw and hu, there were a total of sixty-six references by far the most prominent to these atonement theories.

Across the years, there has been little change in the frequency of their utilization. When analyzed separately as hw and hu, the results are the same. See P.

Eddy and J. Although written in , it debuted on the hu album All of the Above. Hebert New York: Macmillan, Calvary covers it all. Between and , there were eight references to the incarnation, two from hw and six from hu. Both hw and hu show an increasing use of the incarnational theme over the years. Seven out of the eight references occur in and beyond. There has been a significant increase in kingdom of God language across the years. It must be noted, however, that the hu Empires album only featured one vague reference to the kingdom.

Hillsong Music Publishing. In response to critiques, his book enti- tled How to Flourish in Life reduces the emphasis on money and focuses on flourishing in all aspects of life. This was the third most frequent doctrinal category, with forty references. No pattern is evident for hw, but it is notable that hu has not made a reference since Though I predicted an increase over the years, there was no such pattern.

Twenty-three references. Hill- song Music Publishing. The overlap indicates the songs containing both singular and plural perspectives. In terms of address- ing the divine, 89 percent songs contain second-person singular addresses and 73 46 percent contain third-person addresses. Once again, the over- lap indicates songs containing multiple addresses.

The only detectable trend across the years is a reduction in the use of first-person plural address, which is very minimal see Tables 3a—b. This is a different pattern from songs that solely utilize a third-person address in one section. Among the fifteen ded- icated third-person songs, six were written in and —an impressive increase. The remainder were evenly spread throughout the other years. As Hillsong becomes increasingly global in presence and in resource distribution, the impartation of consistent doctrine contra the sole overwhelming focus on the experience of atonement and justification seems to have increased in priority.

This expression of piety is also the only one that changed, decreasing in fre- quency on both hw and hu albums. Word Frequency Findings Specific data on the in-order rankings of specific words is provided in Tables 2a—c. The love spoken of was not simply a transaction in the past, but is still faithfully witnessed in the life of the believer through acts of praise and other forms of pious relationship with the Divine. See Paul Westermeyer, Te Deum. This may be explained by the fact that pentecostal theologies—largely, though not exclusively subsets of evangelical theologies—focus on the presence of Jesus Christ as the central theme of worship and proclamation.

Although there is no internal verifica- tion for this trend, it is certainly in line with similar trends in western hymnody and congregational song. Is there an overarching theory that can make sense of all these changes? Given the limitations of a study like this, all conclusions must be considered tentative. Our focus went from being local to global.

Neither hw nor hu has deemphasized any par- ticular theological claim across the years; instead, new theological emphases such as the kingdom of God, realized eschatology, and victor-themed atone- ment are added or buttressed in a complementarian manner.

From the vision-casting of Brian and Bob- bie Houston to the level of the local congregation, Hillsong is profoundly aware of its global status.

Is this intentional or happenstance? Joel Houston, the author of the aforementioned song, wrote a blog post that included a free download of the song with the hope that his audience would donate to the World Vision Syrian refugee fund. On the communal import of pentecostal and charismatic worship practices, see Daniel E.

See Charles E. Robert E. For popular level critiques, see the exam- ples of Dr. Connected with the increase of didactic songs is the decrease in exhortative songs. Songs that contain exhortational components are typically evangelistic in tone. The increasing frequency of highlighting the second Person of the Trinity is indicative of Hillsong as a global presence but also of its emphasis on salvation. While Christians across the world are not in agreement christologically, most can affirm that Jesus is foundational to Christianity.

Of all the doctrinal categories queried, atonement ranked highest, followed by justification, far outnumbering other doctrinal references.

This is unsurprising due to its consis- tency with Evangelicalism at large, a significant contingent of Hillsong Music followers. Technologies of distribution, including but not limited to publishing companies, social media, and broadcasting networks, are indispensable methods of effecting the proliferation of mediascapes such as this. A theological analysis of its implications for global Pentecostalism, charismatic Christianity, and Evan- gelicalism at large is clearly needed.

Without oral interview data and observa- tional fieldwork, there is only so much one can claim for nine years of congre- gational evolution, musical and theological. Moreover, in moving forward with future research within this project and others concerned with Contemporary Worship Music cwm , it is critical to evaluate not only the text of a song but its instrumentation as well. This aesthetic has swept across the globe and reframed how Christians mainly Protestant, but others as well think about the worship of the church.

It deserves greater attention: it will remain a presence, albeit an evolving one, on the scene of global Christianity. Love Love, loved, loves, loving 2. God 3. Name Names 4. Hearts Heart, hearted 5. Life 6. Lord Lords 7. Knows Know, knowing 9. Now Sing Singing, sings Let Letting Hope See Sees Forever Praise Praised, praises, praising Coming 97 Come, comes Light 95 Lights Lifts 89 Lift, lifted, lifting Soul 89 Souls Lord Lords 6. Life 99 7. Heart 82 Hearted, hearts 8.

Sing 80 Singing, sings 9. Forever 75 Praise 69 Praised, praises, praising Now 69 Let 68 Letting Lift 67 Lift, lifted, lifting Earth 67 Earthly


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