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Klarnerpolitics Dataverse. Harvard Dataverse collection by Carl Klarner with useful data and tools, including state legislative election returns from to Mapping Early American Elections. This project offers a window into the formative era of American politics by producing interactive maps and visualizations of Congressional and state legislative elections from to This Dataverse contains data that is collected by affiliates and external scholars that MEDSL is hosting and archiving.
Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group. OpenElections is working to create the first free, comprehensive, standardized, linked set of election data for the United States, including federal and statewide offices.
PlanScore presents a comprehensive historical database of partisan gerrymandering. Princeton Gerrymandering Project. Quantifying Gerrymandering. A nonpartisan research group centered Duke Math and producing data and analysis on redistricting in the U. Redistricting Data Hub. A portal to access redistricting data, tools, training, and educational resources.
Stephen Pettigrew's County Returns. Also state legislative and local results in many states. This is a survey conducted in conjunction with the Elections Performance Index which gauges the quality of the election experience in the U. The United States Election Project.
A model was developed and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional-value orientations of students of humanitarian specialties of the university were substantiated. Mirzagasanova R. Abstract In article results of the research devoted to identification most and the least significant career orientations at students of the 6th course of medical faculty of the Krasnoyarsk state medical university of professor V.
VoynoYasenetsky of of receipt are described. Keywords: career orientation, lifeline, degree of significance, management, autonomy, professional competence, service, call, stability of the place of work, stability of residence, integration of lifestyles.
Keywords: competence, innovative technologies, interactive learning, methods, new model, strategy. Kazakhstan Abisheva K. Kazakhstan Yusbekova N. Keywords: policultural consciousness, intercultural communication, multilingual personality.
Coste D. Maharramova N. Multiculturalism plays a great role in society and mutual understanding of people. Therefore, we first of all should speak about multicultural principles and ideas of people. My investigation into history have been marked to accept the notion that people should live together in the historical process peacefully. A number of medieval authors, ranging from missionaries like William of Rubruck to merchants like Marco Polo to pilgrims like Ibn Battuta and Anselmo Adorno, wrote about different cultures, sometimes including thoughts of their own.
This rich, contemporary ethnographic literature gives us much information about medieval people and their views to the multicultural world in which they lived, worked and so on.
While speaking about the multicultural London firstly we should speak about immigrants and their living conditions in those times. But if we examine the medieval past history we should remind immigrant problem and their help to the word — stock. Keywords: multiculturalism, medieval Britain, polyethnic, identity, tolerance, immigrants, taxes MAIN BODY The language permits all people of different culture, or other people who have learnt the system of that culture, communication or interaction.
Outside the privileged circle of Anglocentrism, the peoples of Europe have for some time been writing about their own medieval history and literature. But this scholarship, usually in a bewildering range of languages, remains inaccessible to scholars and students limited to French or German.
A more realistic history of minority cultures may be, as the American experience suggests, a good way to start. Medieval society repressed many cultures, but destroyed few. Centuries later demands for justice and homelands continue to haunt European consciences, there and in the neo-Europes as well.
When we want to speak about multiculturalism, tolerance and identity we should talk about medieval Britain multiculturalism. While speaking about the Britain multiculturalism we should pay attention to the immigrant factors.
The immigrants were one of the main factor influencing to lexical improvement of Britain. In the lexical stock, they occurred many words and phrases for the purpose of using in colloquial speech. All these words and expressions reflected in literary works. So, new researches began to be shown in literature.
All in all, the survey of produced around 20, named persons of foreign birth. This number may look tiny in comparison with the record of immigration in later centuries, but we have to remember that the estimated population of England at this time was not greatly in excess of 2 million people. As late as the census, immigrants counted for about 1 per cent of the total population of the United Kingdom. That there was a comparable level in allows us to consider later medieval England not as an insular culture.
While speaking about Britain we should note about taxes. Because it was one of the most debatable problem in Britain in Middle Ages. Fortunately, in , the English parliament inadvertently shone a light into the gloom by imposing a new tax on resident foreigners.
Immigrants had paid taxes before this time — the difference was simply that aliens were now to be a special fiscal category. In reality, the initiative was just as much about regulation. In the end, the wider potential of the census was not exploited. There is every sign that the tax payers of were identified most readily in terms of the languages they spoke and the accents with which they attempted to communicate in English. Here is a powerful reminder of the complicated and sometimes perilous existence that foreign-born residents could experience in England.
From the s to the s, parliament continued to impose taxes on aliens, and the Tudor regime included the category in the new, comprehensive subsidies developed from the s. Certification certification dbe. Civil Technology - Construction Afrikaans. Civil Technology - Civil Service Afrikaans.
Civil Technology - Civil Service English. Civil Technology - Construction English. Civil Technology - Construction Memo Afrikaans. Civil Technology - Construction Memo English. Civil Technology - Wood Working Afrikaans. Civil Technology - Wood Working English. Jerry Spinelli born : Very prolific American author of young adult fare such as Stargirl and Eggs. Jonathan Stroud born : British author, wrote the best-selling Bartimaeus Trilogy amongst other books.
Julian F rancis Thompson born : American author of nineteen popular, award-winning YA novels, including The Grounding of Group 6 currently being made into a movie. Mark Walden born ? Scott Westerfeld born : Scott has written books such as the Uglies series which contains the best selling books Uglies Pretties Specials and Extras.
He also wrote So Yesterday and Peeps as well as the Midnighters trilogy. So Yesterday won an award for American Library Association best book for young adults, and Uglies and Peeps got the American Library Association best book for young adults award.
Cecily von Ziegesar born : American author of the popular teen novels Gossip Girl. His books have sold over 10 million copies and have been translated into languages all over the globe. Genre Young Adult Literature has become a genre which covers various text types including: novels, graphic novels, short stories, and poetry. Although many genres exist in young adult literature, the problem novel tends to be the most popular among young readers.
Problem novel refers to young adult novels in the realistic fiction category that addresses personal and social issues across socioeconomic boundaries and within both traditional and nontraditional family structures Cole Memoirs are also popular forms of Young Adult Literature.
The genre itself has been challenged due its seemingly mature content by critics of Young Adult Literature, but "other converted critics have embraced Young Adult so dearly that they have scoured the canon for any classics they could adopt into the YA family" Stephens Themes Young Adult Literature uses a wide array of themes in order to appeal to a wide variety of adolescent readers.
Some of these themes include: identity, sexuality, science fiction, depression, suicide, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, familial struggles, bullying, and numerous others.
Some issues that are talked about in young adult literature are things such as friendship, love, race, money, divorce, relationships within families. Reading about issues that adolescents can relate to allows them to identify with a particular character, and creates a sense of security when experiencing something that is going on within their lives. Reading about it may help a young person validate his or her own experience and make some kind of meaning out of it" Blasingame, In a paper written by April Dawn Wells, she discovers seventeen common traits of young adult novels.
Characteristics Young adult literature contains specific characteristics that are present throughout the genre. Other characteristics of Young Adult Literature include: " 1 Characters and issues young readers can identify with; those issues and characters are treated in a way that does not invalidate, minimize, or devalue them; 2 Is framed in language that young readers can understand; 3 Emphasizes plot above everything else; and 4 Is written for an audience of young adults" Blasingame Overall, Young Adult Literature needs to contain specific elements that will not only interest adolescent readers, but elements that relate directly to real situations adolescents face, and contain believable, empathetic characters.
Usage in Education Research suggests young adult literature can be advantageous to reluctant student readers by addressing their needs. Authors who write young adult literature have an adolescents age and interests in mind. The language and plots of young adult literature are similar to what students are accustomed to finding in reality, television, movies, and popular culture Bucher, Manning, The following are criteria that researchers have come up with to evaluate the effectiveness of young adult literature in the classroom Bucher and Manning, The subject matter should reflect age and development by addressing their interest levels, reading and thinking levels.
The content should deal with contemporary issues and experiences with characters adolescents can relate. Subjects can relate to dealing with parents and adults, illness and death, peer pressure with regards to drugs, sex, and the complications of addiction and pregnancy. The content should consider existing global concerns such as cultural, social, and gender diversity; environmental and political issues as it relates to adolescents. Young Adult Literature has been integrated into classrooms in order to increase student interest in reading.
Research has been performed on what type of impact the introduction YA Lit has on students, particularly adolescent males and struggling readers: "Researchers have shown that introducing YA Literature to males improves their reading ability. YA Literature, because of its range of authors and story types, is an appropriate literature for every adolescent male who needs compelling material that speaks to him" Gill.
Research shows that not only adolescent males have been labeled as reluctant readers, struggling readers use reluctance as a coping mechanism. Young Adult Literature has been used to open up the door of reading literature to these readers as well: "When voluntary reading declines, the problems of struggling readers are only aggravated.
By allowing adolescents to read good young adult literature, educators are able to encourage independent reading, which will, in turn, help adolescents develop the skills necessary to succeed" Bucher and Manning. Another reason that Young Adult Literature has been incorporated into classrooms is to be paired with classic texts that are traditionally read in classrooms, and required by many schools curricula.
Using YA Lit alongside a canonical piece of text can increase a students comprehension of the common themes the various texts have, and make reading a classic text more enjoyable: "Young adult literature can spark interest in the classics and vice versa. Although it's clear that young adult literature is more accessible, that doesn't warrant denying the classics to struggling readers.
The classics shouldn't be reserved for exceptional students, and Young Adult Literature shouldn't be reserved for at-risk readers. Cole Situational Archetypes in Literature The classic canon in high school literature classes can often be too overwhelming and far removed from everyday life of the adolescence. Sarah K. Herz and Donald Gallo suggest using archetypes from traditional literature to build bridges to the classics through young adult literature.
Young Adult Literature offers teachers an effective way to introduce the study of archetypes in literature by grouping a variety of titles around archetypal situations and characters. Herz and Gallo suggest before or after studying a traditional classic or contemporary novel it is a good time to introduce the concept of archetypes in literature.
Based on the Jungian theory of archetypes, consider a literary archetype as a character type or theme which recurs frequently in literature Herz and Gallo, Recognizing archetypes in literature will help students build the foundation for making connection among various works of literature. Students can begin to grasp and identify the archetypal images and patterns that appear in new forms.
Archetypes also help students become more conscious of an authors style and to think about and recognize the way in which a particular writer develops a character or story Herz and Gallo, Herz and Gallo, Through pain and suffering, the characters spirit survives the fight and through a development of self awareness the main character is reborn.
The Fall: Expulsion from Eden. The main character is expelled because of undesirable actions on his or her part. The Journey. The protagonist takes journey, either physically or emotionally, and brings meaning in their life. The Test or Trial. The main character experiences growth and change; he or she experiences a transformation.
Annihilation; Absurdity; Total Oblivion. In order to exist in an unbearable world, the main character accepts that life is absurd, ridiculous, and ironic.
Parental Conflicts and Relationships. The protagonist deals with parental conflict by rejecting or bonding with parents. The Wise Old Woman or Man. This figure protects or assists the main character in facing challenges.
The Hero. The main character leaves his or her community to go on an adventure, performing actions that bring honor to the community. The Sacrificial Redeemer. The protagonist is willing to die for a belief; the main character maintains a strong sense of morality. Edgy content From its very beginning, young-adult fiction has portrayed teens confronting situations and social issues that have pushed the edge of then-acceptable content. Such novels and their content are sometimes referred to as "edgy.
Critics of such content argue that the novels encourage destructive or immoral behavior. Others argue that fictional portrayal of teens successfully addressing difficult situations and confronting social issues helps readers deal with real-life challenges. Debate continues regarding the amount and nature of violence and profanity appropriate in young-adult fiction. Hyphens young adult vs.
Some dictionaries recognize young adult as a noun Random House, 2nd , while others do not Webster's International, 3rd When recognized as by Random House , young adult is treated as an open compound noun, with no hyphen. When the noun young adult is placed before another noun such as fiction, novel, author , however, the use of a hyphen varies widely. For example, an Internet search of the Web or of news articles using the key words young adult fiction shows widespread inconsistency in hyphenation.
Although the Chicago Manual of Style falls short of declaring the omission of the hyphen as grammatically incorrect, it clearly addresses the issue in "Compounds and Hyphenation," sections 7.
With the exception of proper nouns such as United States and compounds formed by an adverb ending in ly plus an adjective, it is never incorrect to hyphenate adjectival compounds before a noun.
Young-adult fiction precede nouns. Many writers neglect to hyphenate such compounds, and the result is ramshackle sentences that often frustrate the reader. Although none of the sources cited above list young adult as an example, each clearly expresses a preference for hyphenating compound modifiers. With that in mind, young adult is a noun without a hyphen as defined by Random House.
But when the noun young adult precedes another noun, it becomes a compound modifier and warrants a hyphen, as in young-adult fiction, young-adult author, young-adult novel, and so on. Because the sources do not declare the absence of a hyphen as grammatically incorrect, widespread inconsistencies in the punctuation of young adult are likely to continue, either out of ignorance or as conscious choice of style. Literature Whether any particular work of fiction qualifies as literature can be disputed.
In recent years, however, YA fiction has been increasingly treated as an object of serious study by children's literature critics. A growing number of young-adult-fiction awards recognize outstanding works of fiction for adolescents. Trends The category of YA fiction continues to expand into new genres: graphic novels, light novels, manga, fantasy, mystery fiction, romance novels, even subcategories such as cyberpunk, splatterpunk, techno-thrillers, and contemporary Christian fiction.
New formats such as ebooks make it easier for teens to access these online. Boundaries between children's, YA, and adult fiction The distinctions between children's literature, YA literature, and adult literature have historically been flexible and loosely defined. This line is often policed by adults who feel strongly about the border. Some novels originally marketed to adults have been identified as being of interest and value to adolescents and, in the case of several books such as the Harry Potter novels, vice versa.
Awards Various young-adult-fiction awards are presented annually, and mark outstanding adolescent literature writing. The Michael L. Printz Award is an award for a book that exemplifies literary excellence in young adult literature.
Morris YA Debut Award first awarded in , honors a debut book published by a first-time author writing for teens and celebrating impressive new voices in young adult literature. The first William C. Morris award was given to Elizabeth C. Bunce for A Curse Dark as Gold.
Edwards Award was established in , honors an author, as well as a specific body of his or her work, for significant and lasting contribution to young adult literature.
It recognizes an author's work in helping adolescents become aware of themselves and addressing questions about their role and importance in relationships, society, and in the world. The winning titles are selected from the previous year's publishing.
The Alex Awards were first given annually beginning in and became an official ALA award in Co-administered with Association for Library Service to Children. Notes Blasingame, James.
New York: Scholastic, Bucher, K. Bucher, Katherine Toth, and M. Cart, Michael. New York: Harper Collins, Cole, Pam B. Young Adult Literature: In the 21st Century. New York: McGraw Hill, Gill, Sam D. Herz, Sarah K. Westport, CT: Greenwood, Lesesne, Teri S. Maine: Stenhouse Publishers, Lubar, David. The Alan Review Spring Stephens, Jonathan. Thomlinson, Carl M. Essentials of Young Adult Literature. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
John Grossman Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition. University of Chicago Press. Eccleshare, Julia In Peter Hunt, ed.. Egoff, Sheila In Shiela Egoff, ed.. Only Connect: readings on children's literature 2nd ed. Ontario: Oxford University Press. Garland, Sherry Writing for Young Adults. Lutz and Stevenson Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books.
Nilsen, Alleen Pace April This Is Now". School Library Journal 40 4 : Random House Dictionary, 2nd edition. Random House. Webster's Third New International Dictionary. Young-adult fiction Kenneth L. Donelson, Alleen Pace Nilsen. Literature for Today's Young Adults. Scott, Foresman and Company. Wesport, Conn. The Guardian of Education. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, References [1] Fox, Rose Publishers Weekly. Entertainment Weekly. Cincinnati: Writer's Digest Books, p. Accessed August 14, American Library Association, The New York Public Library.
It is something of a children's encyclopedia and is considered to be the first picture book intended for children. Contents The book is divided into chapters illustrated by woodcuts, which are described in the accompanying text.
The book has chapters and covers a wide range of subjects: inanimate nature botanics zoology religion humans and their activities A late 18th-century reprint of Orbis Pictus, published in Pressburg Bratislava. History Originally published in Latin and German in in Nuremberg, the book soon spread to schools in Germany and other countries.
The first English edition was published in The first quadrilingual edition in Latin, German, Italian and French was published in The first Czech translation was published in the quadrilingual edition together with Latin, German and Hungarian , by the Breuer publishing house in Levoa.
In the years , new editions were published in various languages, with upgraded both pictures and text content. Orbis Pictus had a long-lasting influence on children's education.
It was a precursor of both audio-visual techniques and the lexical approach in language learning. References [1] Epstein, Connie C. The Art of Writing for Children. Archon Books. Late in life they undertook the compilation of the first German dictionary: Wilhelm died in December , having completed the letter D; Jacob survived his brother by nearly four years, completing the letters A, B, C and E, and was working on Frucht fruit when he collapsed at his desk.
The first collection of fairy tales Children's and Household Tales Kinder-und Hausmrchen was published in and it contained more than fairy tales. Some collections of the stories had already been written by Charles Perrault in the late s, with somewhat unexpected versions. In the original published forms, the Grimm's fairy tales were dark and violent, in contrast to the lighter, modern "Disney versions" of those tales. The Grimm family lived near the magistrate's house between and while the father was employed by the Prince of Hessen.
When the eldest brother, Jacob, was 11 years old, their father, Philip Wilhelm, died and the family moved into a cramped urban residence. Kassel and educational career Both brothers Jacob and Wilhelm were educated at the Friedrichs-Gymnasium in Kassel and later both studied law at the University of Marburg. There they were inspired by their professor Friedrich von Savigny, who awakened an interest in the past.
They were in their early twenties when they began the linguistic and philological studies that would culminate in both Grimm's law and their collected editions of fairy and folk tales. Though their collections of tales became immensely popular, they were essentially a by-product of the linguistic research, which was the brothers' primary goal.
In , Jacob Grimm was appointed court librarian to the King of Westphalia. In the brothers published their first volume of fairy tales, Tales of Children and the Home. They had collected the stories from peasants and villagers; they were also aided by their close friend August von Haxthausen. In their collaboration, Jacob did more of the research, while Wilhelm, less sturdy in stature and intellect, put the work into a literary form that would appeal to children and the masses.
They were also interested in folklore and primitive literature. In Jacob became a librarian in Kassel, where Wilhelm was also employed. Between and , they published two volumes of German legends and a volume of early literary history. The German Grammar In time, the brothers became interested in older languages and their relation to German. Jacob began to specialize in the history and structure of the Germanic languages, devising a theory that became Berlin memorial plaque, Brder Grimm, Alte known as Grimm's law, based on immense amounts of data.
In , they moved together to Gttingen, where both secured positions at the University of Gttingen. They were fired from their university posts and three were deported, including Jacob Grimm, who with Wilhelm settled in Kassel, outside Ernest's realm, at the home of their brother Ludwig. However, the next year brought an invitation to Berlin from the King of Prussia.
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